Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Monday, May 5, 2008


Hello Friends and Family!

Well, after being in our ‘new’ place for a year now, Dan and I finally decided it was time to get rid of the white/pink linoleum in the kitchen. We had a company come in and sand down the front entryway, lay hardwoods in the kitchen, and then stain it all the same color. We also got rid of the linoleum in the downstairs bathroom and laundry room and put tile down instead. Let’s just say neither job is something we look forward to doing again…but everything looks beautiful and we are definitely happy we did it!

Next project (5 years down the line)…refinish the kitchen cabinets and all the trim in the house, yippee!

Kitchen Before...
Kitchen during...

Kitchen after...

Hardwoods before...

Hardwoods during...

Hardwoods after...

While the floors were being done we skipped town and took a week-long vacation to Sunriver. Look for many more posts to come in the next week from our time over there.