Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Getting Big

We've been putting Savannah in her booster seat and she absolutely loves being at the table. She is a droolin-fool these days but still no sign of teeth poking through.

This little giraffe is absolutely wonderful! I love this series of photos because she doesn't quite have complete control over her hands so here she is working real hard to eat the little guy.
"Come here, You. I'm going to eat You!"
"Oh, yeah, I got it"

"Duho! At least I have my fingers."

Speaking of fingers...these are the best things in the world! Savannah is constantly sucking on her pointer and middle finger of her left hand. When you hear her really get going, it sounds like there is a squeeky toy around!

A couple photos of Savannah sitting up like a big girl, playing with her favorite toy...
She is one happy girl...
Look at the intensity
"Oh, hey Mom...didn't see you standing there"

And we can't forget big brother...always close by helping her figure out how to play with the toys.