Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Christmas 2009 (abbreviated)

Merry Christmas everyone! It's hard to believe another year has passed. We had quite a few get-togethers and too many pictures for me to know what to do with, so I just picked a few to highlight the season. We hope your holidays were as wonderful as ours!

Carson & Grammie at the Sosinski brunch
Grammie playing the accordian at the kids request :) I will admit it was fun hearing the kids sing Jingle Bells with her...

Carson testing out Santa's cookies the night before...they passed!

And a few from Christmas morning. Carson was so excited! He asked for Trucks and trains and that's exactly what he got. We first opened all of his presents from Santa and then out of nowhere Santa Claus called the house for Carson! It was a very special treat for the little guy...Santa had to call and tell him there was one more present for him but it was up in his room. Carson was pretty quiet on the phone but took it all in and headed upstairs to find a big train track and accessories. I haven't gotten pictures of it yet but will in the coming days...

Although the trucks and trains are great...the Mints were one of the biggest hits of the day. All day, "Mommy, can I have some minteds?"

Playing with the little bugs from Oma...those things are tough to catch!
I didn't get too many photos from Christmas night but it was very laid back and exciting. The kids got lots of presents from Grammie and Grandpa and enjoyed a nice dinner together. Good times all around!
Carson & Amelia being silly
...and that should do it for this year. This is Carson's last Christmas as an only child. Hard to believe that Savannah will be 11 months old this time next year. We are looking forward to it!


Unknown said...

oh my gosh. it is hard to believe she'll be 11 months next year this time!!!