Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Pumpkin Patch 2009

It was the perfect Saturday for a trip to the Pumpkin Patch! It was sunny and just a wee-bit chilly. We got way more pumpkins then we needed but there were so many different colors to represent Fall we just couldn't help ourselves.

Dan learned how to take a picture with my camera...not too bad!

Dan looked like he was trying pretty hard to push the pumpkins...after a closer look we realized the tired was deflated. It was a pretty hilarious moment for Carson and I

It's hard to tell in these photos but Carson did not exactly enjoy the horsey ride while he was on it...a lot of little whimpers and chuckle/cries for the whole 5 minutes it lasted.

...and then here he is telling me how much fun he had on the horsey ride :)
So much fun - can't wait until next year!


Hollingsworth Family said...

I love how he has a starbucks cup in his hands. Too cute! Looks like lots of fun.