Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Happy Halloween!

Here are pictures from our Halloween! Carson was a Soccer player and got to wear his favorite color Orange. We started off the evening at Grammie and Grandpa's house where we got ready and hit up a few houses. It was still light outside so we didn't get a ton of people to answer but it was a great warm-up for our neighborhood. Once we got our feet wet, we headed home where we hit up about 10 homes. We then came home and handed out candy to the other kids...I think this may have been the highlight for Carson but the candy was a very close second...too bad he won't see most of that candy he collected :)

Pumpkin Seeds

Carvin out the pumpkin seeds...Yummy!

Team Hustle Pumpkin Patch

Carson went on his first field trip this last week. He got to ride on a bus with his friends out to the pumpkin patch. Mom got to ride with him and Dad followed in the car. I can't believe how grown up he is getting!

Posing for Mom
Checking out all the pumpkins with Dad
Focused on looking at the potatoes...they had yellow, red, and purple ones
Lots of potatoes!
An attempt at a class photo

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Max to the Market

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Mr. Builder

Future architect??

Pumpkin Patch 2009

It was the perfect Saturday for a trip to the Pumpkin Patch! It was sunny and just a wee-bit chilly. We got way more pumpkins then we needed but there were so many different colors to represent Fall we just couldn't help ourselves.

Dan learned how to take a picture with my camera...not too bad!

Dan looked like he was trying pretty hard to push the pumpkins...after a closer look we realized the tired was deflated. It was a pretty hilarious moment for Carson and I

It's hard to tell in these photos but Carson did not exactly enjoy the horsey ride while he was on it...a lot of little whimpers and chuckle/cries for the whole 5 minutes it lasted.

...and then here he is telling me how much fun he had on the horsey ride :)
So much fun - can't wait until next year!

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Tree Planting

A couple of weeks ago Carson helped Dan plant a tree in the backyard. Carson was so excited about it! Although I wasn't there for the pictures, here are a couple of him planting in the front yard and pictures next to their tree in the back...