Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Birthday Bash with the Friends

This was Carson's first true birthday party. I'm 100% sure he had the time of his life! The first 30 minutes were free play time with the ball pit, car ramp, slide, and climbing structure...all the kids were having a blast and no one had to wait turns - yeah!

The instructors tried some 'organized games' for a little bit but the kids had other things in mind...this started out as the freeze game and turned into a long train.

The parachute was a big hit...Carson got to ride on it with friends while they sang happy birthday...

Once everyone got a turn to ride it, then they went inside it!

Pizza and ice cream time...

...And here are all of Carson's buddies who were able to make it
Tyler (Carson's best buddy in the class)
Cuz Amelia
Little Lola
Cuz Ruby
and Myreen
...then we were off to go home and sleep! Especially Mom! :)


Lacey said...

I cant believe how old carson has started to look all of the sudden! like a total little man! hows the pregnancy coming?