Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Birthday Bash with the Friends

This was Carson's first true birthday party. I'm 100% sure he had the time of his life! The first 30 minutes were free play time with the ball pit, car ramp, slide, and climbing structure...all the kids were having a blast and no one had to wait turns - yeah!

The instructors tried some 'organized games' for a little bit but the kids had other things in mind...this started out as the freeze game and turned into a long train.

The parachute was a big hit...Carson got to ride on it with friends while they sang happy birthday...

Once everyone got a turn to ride it, then they went inside it!

Pizza and ice cream time...

...And here are all of Carson's buddies who were able to make it
Tyler (Carson's best buddy in the class)
Cuz Amelia
Little Lola
Cuz Ruby
and Myreen
...then we were off to go home and sleep! Especially Mom! :)

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Birthday BBQ with the Family

3 Years Ago we were at the hospital trying to figure out what to do with this new little bundle of baby...I mean Joy! I think we've figured it out and now we have a wonderful 3-year old boy running around. He makes us laugh every day, I don't know what life would be like without him.

Willow seemed to steal the thunder out of the first half of the BBQ...but I think the kids were okay with that. They loved seeing her jump in the pool to get her ball and then chase after the kids with her wet coat. It was a lot of fun to watch!

Carson's even getting really good at the sling thrower...I know some adults who can't even do this!

A little juice break...

"How old are you, Carson?"

Presents! The best thing is still opening them!

The cake! We went with a truck theme since that's what he loves these days...

He was so excited to get that truck on his plate!

...and he blew out all the candles in 2 tries

Friday, August 14, 2009

BIG Trucks Event

Carson is a bit obsessed with Big Trucks and 'Workers' these days. We heard about an event that was going on and decided to check it out. It was so much fun, not only did Carson get to see a bunch of big trucks but he got to get in them and play with all the gadgets. It was a fun day!

This was his favorite truck...

Saturday, August 1, 2009

From Peanut to Person...Amazing!

Here are our ultrasound photos from the 8 week visit. We were able to hear and see the heartbeat at this appointment, which was amazing because we didn't hear Carson's until 12 weeks!
And here are our 12 week photos...little baby was having a blast on camera! They were kicking their feet and waving their arms for the first 20 minutes. It was so much fun to see!

Their little frog legs flying all over the place...

Frog legs on the left, profile on the right
Little arm on the left...we got the sign off that there are 2 arms, 2 legs as well as the major organs and brain are all looking good!