Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

4th of July in Sunriver

For the 4th of July we headed over to Sunriver. It was Grammie, Grandpa, Amelia, Dan, Carson, and I for the first few days. The kids had so much fun together...I sometimes forgot they were cousins and not siblings!
The first night we got there it was warm but is Dad grilling in the back...

This was the weekend for potty training! We picked out CJ's underwear before we left and he was so excited. The first day was awful...accidents every time we turned around but after the first day he was going pee pee in the potty almost 100% of the time! The poop was a bit harder but he figured that out within 3 days.

The following week at school Carson only had 3 accidents. I'd say that's pretty dang good!
On the 4th we took the kids down to the lake to feed the ducks. We were just cruisin along until Dan pointed out for the kids to watch out for the duck poop. Once he said that, Amelia took a better look around and started to panick a little bit. Good think Uncle Dan came to the rescue because Aunt Kelly was too busy taking photos and laughing...

The was everywhere!

Feeding the duckys...

Panick sets in...Carson wasn't quite sure what happened...

And, Uncle Dan to the rescue!

The kids playing on the back porch...

Grammie and the kids!


Unknown said...

so freakin' funny!!!