Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Monday, January 19, 2009


Today Dan, Oma, and I took Carson and Amelia to OMSI (Oregon Museum of Science and Industry). This was the first trip for both the kids and they had an absolute blast! They got to see all kinds of animals - lizards (we saw one eat a beetle), rats, walking sticks, fish, bull frogs and other crazy looking creatures but I think the best part was the floating are all the pictures I was able to take...

A Rocket Ship ride...

Using the magnifying glass to see some insects...

Here is the floating ball machine...

Amelia liked to let them float then then catch them mid-air...


And here is the Ball(?) Python that the kids got to touch. I asked the question of how much it weighed and the lady had me hold half of it. Probably won't do that again but didn't want the kids to get afraid so I was probably 3-5lbs...ugh!

Watching the turtle eat it's salad...

Playing with the shapes as they floated across this board...

Fish Lips

When I showed up to get Carson at school on Friday I walked in the door to see a major sad face...he wasn't quite crying but on the verge of it. I guess his friend brought in a fish to share with the class and Carson and his friend Taylor tried to pet it. When they tilted the case the water came pouring out with the majority of it on soon as he saw me it was "Mommy, I need new pants!". Don't worry...the fish, "Henry" was unharmed through it all!!

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Cousin Photos

Well I started out the posting of this blog with the intention of selecting a few different photos we took of the kids during the holidays...that soon changed when I came across this sequence of photos. This was taken over at Grammie and Grandpa's house. We snapped off about 15 photos before they started getting wrestless and this is what went down...
All the kids together, posed with holding hands and hugs. They look so docile, don't they...?!

Uh-oh, boredom has started to kick in...

Something funny happened! I don't remember what it was and I don't think Carson was aware of whatever it was but the girls sure did!

Watch out Carson!

Wait to take it like a man, Little Man

We lost shoot over

...Just another night with the kids :)

Here is one other photo that we took that turned out pretty good.

Trip to Sunriver

After Christmas we went over to Sunriver with Grammie and Grandpa for a week. It was very relaxing and a lot of fun. While we were spending time at the house we all worked together to keep Carson entertained...

A walk in the snow...

Parking cars in the garage...

Trying to catch Mom with the camera...

Lounging with Grammie while doing puzzles...

Trying on Grampy's Big Shoes...!

Silly face...

Silly face with Grampy...

Wrestling with Grampy...

Sweet little pose after wrestling...