Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

New Buddies

1 year ago December...
Just a few days ago...this was the first time I've seen Carson snuggle up to Willow like he used to do with Sadie all the time. It made me happy to see and Willow was such a good girl letting him touch and play with her...


Mama Michelle said...

So cute..these two are going to be great buddies for years to come(love the no-wow!)
Mama Cope

Lynsey Ridout said...

Oh my goodness! I want to steal Willow from you guys! She is so adorable. Sorry to hear about Sadie, my golden had a scare with cancer a couple months back. I hope all is well in Portland. I'm in Denver, going to graduate school for Nurse Practitioner. Tell your family hello!!!