Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Toolin' around...

Here are a few photos of Carson toolin' around while Dad put the Christmas lights up...

I think I had Carson a little too bundled up because when I took his hat off, this is what I found...

Friday, November 28, 2008


Wednesday, November 19, 2008

New Buddies

1 year ago December...
Just a few days ago...this was the first time I've seen Carson snuggle up to Willow like he used to do with Sadie all the time. It made me happy to see and Willow was such a good girl letting him touch and play with her...

Cheesey Smile

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Is it No-wow or Willow??

Do you remember the video of Carson talking to Willow when she first came home..."Go get your ball "Wi-yow". He got the "Willow" part pretty close...well, that only lasted a few weeks before he started calling her you get it?? No-Willow! I don't know where he got that from ;). Anyhow, here is a little video of us working on our pronunciation.

He did pronounce it right in the end but when he says "I did it!" it was because he just finished lining up all his cars.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Pants Off

Here is a picture Carson's teachers sent me Friday afternoon. Apparently, this is how they found him after he woke up from his nap! I love getting these emails!!

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Hat Catch with Grandpa

Handsome Duo

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Treadmill Training

Now that the rain has come to Oregon, I've had to find an alternative to getting Willow to exercise. She struggled the first time I tried this but after some yummy treats she now has the hang of it. I'll put her on here if it's raining in the morning while I do my weights then in between sets she gets a little treat. Talk about multi-tasking!

Friday, November 7, 2008

Music Class

Although Carson and Amelia are not in the same class together they do get to see each other throughout the day on the playground and in the below instance, Music Class. Here the kids were singing and playing with scarves by throwing them in the air. As you can see, they are enjoying each other's company as usual :)