Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Singin in the Shower

Tonight I asked Carson to sing to me when he was in the bath tub. I had never asked him to do this before but as soon as I did he started singing his own words to "Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star". Before I took this video he had sung me about 6 different just so happened that the last one turned into a no, no, no song with the Twinkle, Twinkle theme. I just love this little-man of mine!!

Our First Visit with the Puppies

Hi Everyone,

Well, today was the much-anticipated visit with the puppies. It was so much fun! The breeder's had a very nice set-up in the backyard with a kennel for the puppies to play in. There were two little obstacle courses and lots of little chew-toys. As soon as I walked in about 4-5 of the puppies surrounded me and began sniffing and tugging at my pants/shoes. A very good sign that they are developing well and are being socialized properly. It sounds like all the puppies are spoken for but we will not know which one will come home with us for another couple of weeks. At that point other breeder's will come and assess the personalities. With that information the breeder's will begin aligning the personalities with the families. We are definitely set for a female but do not know which one yet.

From talking with the breeder's today and from my own observations it appears that little yellow-female is quite the outgoing little girl...maybe a little too much for our lifestyle (but who knows this early in the game!). She was the first to greet me and definitely held her ground with the other littermates...I will say that she is probably the best-looking female of the bunch (in my opinion :). The hot pink, dark pink, and purple puppies were all very even-tempered from what I could tell and would do just fine with Carson. To be honest, I don't think we could go wrong with any of them.

Well, that is all for now...enjoy the photos and look for more to come in the coming weeks...!

Carson with the Puppies

So, considering Carson has never been around more than 2 dogs at once he did fairly well with the trip. He was very unsure of himself to begin with and did a lot of back-pedaling when any dog or puppy would come near him. When we went into the kennel to meet the puppies he stayed very close to Dan and I and when he felt like touching one of the puppies he would sneak up on them when they were not looking, touch their back, and then run in the other direction. By the end he was feeling pretty confident and was attempting to pick them up. I have no doubt that he will be very good with the new puppy.
The first three photos below were near the end of our visit...Carson tried to pick the puppy up but I asked him to sit on his bottom and pet her instead. He obliged and the next thing he knew he was in the middle of a mini-puppy romp. Carson wasn't quite sure what to do but handled it well and just got up and let them play. I think the highlight for him was all the little obstacle courses and toys that were out for the puppies. He understood that they were all for the puppies but he couldn't help but pick up, walk over, and touch everything that was in the play-pen. Oh, the life of a 2-year-old!

Puppy Pictures

Here we have Momma you can see she got all dressed up for the visitors :) Actually, the red shirt is to stop the puppies from nursing as they wean them to big-puppy dog food.
From now until about 8 weeks the chewing/biting kicks into high gear. This is where the power of the pack comes in and they learn bite-inibition from their brother's and sister's. They learn what is acceptable and what hurts...and if it hurts, they let them know it...we got to see this first hand as one of the puppies latched on to another's ear. She was okay but she made sure the brother/sister knew that she didn't like that. :)

Aww...look at them wrestling...High five!!

Now that they have their puppy hair coming in it's hard to see the collars...but I think this is one of the pink puppies.

After about 30 minutes of hard play-time they all crashed at once...

Purple puppy! I do believe she was my favorite today although they are still very much coming into their own personalities. She (as well as the pink girls) all seemed to be fairly mellow but not too shy at all...just what we're looking for.

I'm pretty sure this is one of the boys (judging by the bone structure in the face) handsome!!

Another purple-girl photo...

Exhausted little puppies...

And again with the purple puppy...

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Happy Birthday RUBY!!!

Monday, July 21, 2008

Carson LOVES his Cousins

Sunday, July 20, 2008

So Studly...

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Poor Us...from the Breeders

Now that the puppies have opened their eyes new textures are being introduced (you'll also notice new toys in the photos on the website). Here is a video the breeder's took after they put a new blanket box in the pen. I think the yellow female started it all...Too funny!

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Puppy Update

Hi Everyone,

Well, many of you know I have had my eye on a litter of puppies for a few months now. I did a lot of research and the breeders are absolutely fantastic! The Momma has done some showing in the past but is now primarily a therapy dog and the Dadda is a Champion show dog out of Arizona. They are both beautiful Goldens! The puppies were born on June 17th...4 boys and 4 girls! I get a weekly update on how the puppies week went as well as a newsletter that focuses on questions around bringing a puppy home. At around 7 weeks they have other breeders come and assess the puppies on personality and structure to help with placing them with the best home (this dog would be a good show dog, this dog would be good with children, etc.). The puppies eyes and ears have just opened up this week and their beginning to wobble around a bit. This is where it gets fun as they begin to explore and really come into their own personalities.

The last newsletter we got was on Naming your Puppy. I had decided awhile ago that her name will be "Willow" but I'm now trying to settle on a pedigree name...although we won't be showing her they like to have this name so they can know what litter the puppy came from. I've created a poll (upper right corner of the blog) and would love to get everyone's opinion. The breeder's name is Winsom and the litter is called the Magic litter so both these have to be included in the pedigree name...I'd love to see which name is the most popular :)

In the meantime, the breeder's have a website set up where they are posting weekly photos and videos. If you want to keep tabs of our future Willow this will be the place to go. The female puppies are the yellow, light pink, hot pink, and purple ribbons.


Beach House Loungin'

We headed out to Canon Beach for the 4th of July Holiday. Grammie and Grandpa were able to use a friend's beach house for the weekend. Although the weather wasn't quite up to par it was still nice to get everyone in one place for at least 24 hours! The kids had a great time playing with each other and hanging out somewhere new. This was Carson's first trip to the beach and he seemed to really enjoy himself. Hopefully we can get out there again this summer when the weather is nicer.

Thank you Grammie and Grandpa for a fantastic weekend!!


Although the weather wasn't all that great at the beach, we managed to get enough clearing Friday morning for the kids to get out and play in the sand.


Carson's hair post-sunscreen application...