Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Friday, September 18, 2009

Drum Roll Please...

Hi Family & Friends,

Well today was the 20 week ultrasound to find out if we're having a beautiful boy or girl to complete our family. The verdict is in and come January, we will be a balanced family...That's right! We're expecting a little baby GIRL this time around!!! This was a bit of a shock to both Dan and I as we both thought another boy was on the horizon but we are extremely excited to have one of each and begin shopping for little girly things! :)
Here are a couple of profile photos of our sweet little Savannah Michelle...
I think she's smiling here!

...And one comparison photo of big brother Carson James at 20 Weeks...

Wednesday, September 9, 2009


Sunday, September 6, 2009

Graduation Day

Well, last Thursday was Carson's last day in his Pico class. They had a big move day to their new room - Team Hustle! Carson and his friends got to pick out their new cubby's and play for a little bit. It's a huge transition but the one great thing is that his entire class got to stay together. They will now be introduced to a group of kids a year older, while they share the same room in Preschool. It's really strange to say that he's in preschool...he is still just our little man!
To celebrate his graduation we got him couple presents. He's been really into orange, soccer and dressing up so I went with it...
"Smile, Carson!"

This was probably the best gift of all...Goalie Gloves!

Great, Mom - more clothes! He got more excited about these once he put them on...

WOW, and orange shoes too!!
The shin guards didn't make it into the picture. I bought the clothes in big kid looks like the shirt might work but definitely not the shorts! He'll grow into them someday :)
Goalie pose...
Next photo shoot (once it stops raining)...playing soccer in the backyard with all his gear.