Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Dribble & Shoot

Carson's favorite activity at school is to dribble like the "big kids" on the pre school yard. He's working really hard at getting the dribbling down but is quite good at making the baskets...

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Tee Ball

Thursday, June 4, 2009

More School Days

I just got a few more photos...
Here is Carson asking his little friend, Jemma to dinner. I'm told that he sat her down and ended up cooking for her...that's our little heart-throb!

A shirtless bike ride after a popcicle and water play...


Dress your best/Pizza, nothing got stained :)

School Days

I emailed Carson's teachers today to get some photos of Carson. Here are some of the fun photos they shared with me...
Carson goofing off at nap time...I think he looks just like Dan in this photo!

Carson and his buddy Miller playing on Black Day.
Carson with the girls on Orange day (there is some orange in his shirt :). They are playing with corn starch and water.

I guess you could call that an airplane? I'll have to ask him what it was :)
This was a project they did where they poured glue on the table, dumped sparkles on it, and then emptied the sheet to see how it all stuck.