Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Saturday, June 28, 2008

Swim Lessons

Today was Carson's first ever swim lesson! I was a bit nervous going into it since this is really the first time we've had him involved with something so new with no one he knows but he did absolutely great! When we were in the changing room he started to throw a bit of a fit but once we got out to the pool and he got to watch the other kids swim he was warmed up and ready to go. When it was our turn to get in he followed me right in and was laughing the entire time. We got to work on kicking, breast stroke, and jumping in while incorporating lots of songs like "Pop Goes the Weasle", "ABC's", and "This is the way we __" just to name a few. We'll be going to these classes every Saturday for the next 7 weeks so he should be a pro by the time we're finished!

A before photo of the "fit"...

Just as we got into the pool...

Saying "Hi!" to Grammie but posing for the other guy's camera

"This is the way we wash our hair..."

Surfs up!

I think this was his favorite -Ready, set...


Oh, and this was nice and relaxing too...

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Big Boy's High Chair

We have a fairly standard process before we eat...wash hands, throw away paper towel, get in chair. The other day Carson surprised us by getting into the chair all by himself...something we have never allowed (or seen) before but by the time I had turned around he was already sitting there so quietly! He now does it by himself every time (with Mom or Dad there to assist) and he is also doing it to get into the car. I must say, this is a very nice step for Mom and Dad not having to pick him up!!

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Father's Day 2008

Father's day weekend was very busy! Saturday morning we went to brunch at Rose's was very yummy! Then we had the Holt family over for a steak dinner and then the Sosinski family was over for brunch on Sunday. It is always nice to see both sides of the family and Carson loves to have everyone around. Here are a few photos of Carson and Dan from Sunday afternoon...

Haircut with Grammie

Carson got a fairly big haircut from Grammie this past weekend. Things were starting to get pretty long in the back. She did a great job and Carson was perfectly still for the majority of it. I think his next big haircut will be done at a kid's barber shop...that should be interesting!

Drivin without a License

With the new hardwoods Carson isn't allowed to ride his 4-wheeler inside anymore so he now has free-roam long as his helmet is on.

Workin' in the Yard

With nicer weather finally making it's way into Oregon we are able to spend more time outdoors. Carson loves to follow Dan around and have some type of chore to do. We've gotten him all his own tools and a wheel barrow for him to work with.

Monday, June 9, 2008

Tonka Trucks

Thank you Oma for sending all of Dan's old Tonka trucks over for Carson. As you can see he was quite excited to open the boxes but not quite sure what to do with them yet. Right now he is spending most of his time pulling them and even trying to sit and ride them...very funny! It will be fun to watch him grow into these over the years.