Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Throwing Caution to the Wind!

This afternoon after everyone was home from work and school we went out front for a stroll. Carson headed straight for Westview where all the High School kids were out practicing their Spring sports. Carson had a great time throwing caution to the wind as he raced up and down every little hill he could find...that's our little dare devil!

I love this next you can see Carson hasn't a care in the world but all Dad can do is focus on what he's going to do next and where he might land...

Monday, February 18, 2008

Handsome Lad

Friday, February 15, 2008

Morning Boogie

Every weekday morning when I go in to get Carson we turn the CD player on and dance to his music. Here are a couple video's I took of our early morning if you can only imagine what he's like the rest of the day!

(The first video is long but a little dark with the light warming up...the second is short but well-lit)
A couple things you may be wondering after watching this first clip...
1) Carson is looking at his Dad who came up to watch the recording festivities
2) When we take off CJ's sleep sack in the mornings we always look for his hidden feet
3) Every time Dan tried leaving Carson would start dancing again

Friday, February 8, 2008

Friday Night C&C


...and Cotton Balls!

Tuesday, February 5, 2008


When I asked Carson to smile for Amelia's Birthday here is what he gave me...

We Love you, Amelia!

Monday, February 4, 2008

Pump It UP!!

On Saturday we celebrated Carson's friend London's first birthday at Pump it up junior. Carson had tons of fun climbing up, over, and through all the obstacles. He also couldn't get enough of the huge slides they had. He would climb up the ladder and go down the slide all by himself. He amazes me with something new every day. It was so much fun to watch him have such a good time!

Carson driving his friend Isabelle around...he loved this little car almost as much as the slide!