Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Monday, December 31, 2007

Rainy Day

It's been pretty rainy here in Oregon but it didn't stop Dan from taking Carson to get the mail in his new radio flyer. You'll notice the pictures are much more clearer than they used to be now that I have a new digital camera...thanks Mom & Dad!

Expressions of Carson

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Cutest Cousins Ever

A couple photos of the kids from my SUPER-Talented Sister. Look for more photos to come or check out her blog on the link to the right (KMB Photography).

Cousin Christmas Kisses


Christmas Morning w-Grammie & Grandpa

Christmas morning was spent over at Grammie & Grandpa's house. It was a lot of fun watching the kids play with the boxes and wrapping paper. Carson is going on an hour and a half nap right now (hence the time for all the posts!).

Thank you Mom and Dad for all the wonderful gifts!!

Monday, December 24, 2007

Christmas Eve

Christmas Eve was spent with Dan's side of the family. Grandma MJ, Grandpa Mark, and Uncle Mitch came over to our place for a nice evening. Carson's gift was a Radio Flyer with two seats that can fold down with cup holders and seat-belts. He absolutely LOVED getting pushed/pulled around the family room by Grandma!

Sunday, December 23, 2007

Finally Updating the Blog!

Hi Everyone! Sorry for the lack of photos on the website over the last few weeks. Carson had a pretty nasty cold that ended with an ear infection in both ears. He's doing much better now and playing like crazy. Here are a few posts from the last few weeks...

Friday, December 21, 2007

Gifts from 12/16 Sosinski Christmas

Here are a couple of the toys Carson got at our Sosinski Family Christmas. He loves the train and the counting maracas!

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Swaddled Up

The other night Dan had bath and bedtime duties with Carson. He asked me to come upstairs after the bath and here is what I found. Carson was having flashbacks of those days when he'd get swaddled up, have a bottle, and crash in Dad's arms. I think these photos really capture the moment :)

Saturday, December 15, 2007

2nd Christmas Gift

Carson's second Christmas gift from us was a Fire Engine truck that moves when you push a button. He likes the truck but he LOVES the little people it came with.

Thursday, December 13, 2007


For those of you who have ever left your shoes lying around Carson, you know they don't stay put for long. He thinks everything has it's place and shoes belong on the owner's feet. Here are a couple of photos of Carson bringing me my shoes...

This is about 2 minutes after I laid them out...
Here he is handing them to me after making it down the step with them.

The look he gave me after I said to him "Thanks bud, but I don't need these right now - can you go put them back for me?"

Picking them up

Putting them back.

What a good boy!

Sunday, December 9, 2007

Our Little Helper

This afternoon Dan vacuumed the kitchen and Carson was following him around giggling like crazy. Once Dan was finished we left the vacuum out to see what Carson would do with is a short clip of our little helper.

Carson & Sadie

This morning Sadie was laying in the corner of the kitchen minding her own business when Carson decided to run over and lay on her. He was yelling and having so much fun I couldn't help but grab my camera. Sadie just sat there and took it like a good Golden...I'm sure she appreciated the attention...

Saturday stroll to the Park

First XMas Gift

This year we are giving Carson one gift every weekend leading up to Christmas Day. The idea is not to overwhelm him with all new things at once. This weekend he got a remote control car. The top to the car is see-through so you can see all the gadgets and lights inside. I think Mom and Dad like it more but he was pretty fasinated with how it light-up...