Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Sunday, August 26, 2007

Football Practice

Carson is officially in training. We have gotten the little football and Carson loves it! There are quite a few fumbles but there is always room for improvement. The fact that he shows any interest at all makes his Dad so proud.

Birthday Party Set-up

Birthday Party Time

Birthday Cake

Banana cake with whipped cream filling. Oh-boy, did this go over well with Carson!!!

And...I'm Out!

After a long day of partying with the family Carson was definitely ready for a good night's sleep!

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Birthday at the Zoo

One year ago today Carson James Ryan surprised us all by entering this world 2 weeks early and weighing in at 9lbs 7oz. Our little man is now quite the busy-body. Today for his birthday he got to go to school and play with his friends until noon. We then picked him up for an afternoon at the zoo with Grammie, Grandma, Aunt Kristen, cousins Amelia and Ruby, and of course, Mom and Dad. We all very much enjoyed the day and Carson was exhausted after it all. Not only did he sleep on the way home from the zoo but he was put down for bed at 6:00. Here are some photos of his special day...

Carson's first Elephant Ear. It didn't last long...
Everyone waving at the train that was going by...
Amelia got woken up from her nap to come hang with her cousin. She was a little tired to begin with but as soon as she got out of her stroller she was on a mission!
Wow - check out that lizard!
I LOVE this picture! Look how happy Carson is...Thanks Aunt Kristen and Grammie for getting such a good smile out of him!

A couple Birthday presents...

Here is the gift we got Carson. It's for 18 months plus so he didn't really understand it but I'm sure he'll love it when he gets a little older! For now, the drum sticks are the coolest thing in the world...whatever makes him happy, right!! The truck is from Grammie and Grandpa and the battery is charging now but look for some photos of Carson sporting his new sunglasses and riding his cool truck around :)

Birthday Dinner

Carson had his favorite dinner to celebrate his sticks, parmesan pasta, and peas...YUMMY!! For dessert, a fudge brownie with a chocolate and marshmallow topping. He used the 2-fingered shove-down-my-throat method for both...