Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Friday, June 29, 2007

Attack of the Cousin

I took this video of Carson and Amelia back in April when they had a play date at our house. I think instinct took over Amelia as she plays dead when Carson attacks. As soon as she sees her chance to escape she's up and out of there.

Thursday, June 28, 2007

More Walking

Well...he's not too good on the corners but he can move if it's in a straight line!

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

10 Months Old

Carson was 10 months old on the 22nd. Amazing how time flies!! I have been trying to take some pictures lately but he has been so busy it's nearly impossible to get a decent photo! Here are a couple from the last few days...

Afternoon stroll on my 10-month birthday

My new goofy face...

My mom and dad have finally let me out of my big play pen (the family room)...lots to explore...

Monday, June 18, 2007

Father's Day

Yesterday was Dan's first official Father's Day. Carson was in a great mood all day for his Father of the Year. He surprised him with a special onsie, a self-signed card, and a picture frame from school...what more could a Dad ask for??

Here are some photos from our brunch with the Sosinski's...

Sunday, June 17, 2007

Cool Pictures

I got a little creative this afternoon and had a little photo shoot with CJ. Here are a couple fun shots - I'll post some Father's day photos tomorrow!

Friday, June 15, 2007


I took this video of Carson walking with his little fire truck today. He's pretty good at cruisin' on the furniture and going in a straight line behind the truck but he hasn't figured out how to stand up without pulling himself up with something. I'm guessing about 3 weeks (maybe 4) before he's running around like his cousin Amelia...should be fun!

Some recent photos

Here are a couple recent photos of Carson...
We are currently in that in-between stage where his pants are either too big or too you can see, he doesn't let it get in his way...

Our little Dennis the Menace...
Sadie and Carson are becoming the best of friends these days - it helps that CJ offers his food to Sadie whenever he's in his highchair.

Monday, June 11, 2007

"No" Giggles

This is a video I took of Carson about a week ago. He gets a kick out of us when we shake our head 'No' at him. I think it is because my hair flies all over the place. Here is his reaction...Oh, and the slight pause in the middle is him getting rid of a little gas...Grandpa is so proud :)

I should also mention that we are now trying to teach him to shake his head 'Yes' - although it is apparently a lot more difficult to go up and down rather than side-to-side.

Yes, we've created a BLOG!

Okay, the Ryan Family has caved in and created a Blog! It's been a long time coming but I think our family on the East coast will appreciate regular updates from our growing family - no, I'm not pregnant but CJ does get bigger every day!

I'm not quite sure where to start so I've brought together some photos of Carson - who has been the center of our lives for the last 9 months.

Enjoy and look for more to come from the Ryan's in the coming days, weeks, and months as we continue to post updates!

3 Days Old - "I like to sleep (but only 3 hours at a time)!"
1 Month Old - very much a BLUR!2 Months Old - Doesn't show in this photo but CJ started smiling back at us this month - now it starts getting fun...

3 Months Old - Carson had his first chuckle fest this month - he was imitating his Mom & Dad laughing and it was the funniest thing I've ever seen (or heard). 4 Months Old - Sleeping through the night, YAHOO!!! First teeth also broke through this month - the two, middle, bottom teeth.

5 Months Old - Sitting up - this is the perfect age...plop them on a mat, give 'em some toys and their good to go!

6 Months Old - lots of teeth about to come in!

7 Months Old: Crawling - yikes, quick, babyproof!!

8 Months Old - He loves to eat - bananas and cheese are his favorite.
9 Months Old - he is starting to creep along furniture but is still at least a month away from walking. He has 8 teeth to date (4 on the top, 4 on the bottom)